Variants of the product

Whenever you create a "Product" - in order for your customers to buy it has to have a binded "Offer". Prices are always indicated inside Offers, not Products or Variants.

Variants are a way for you to add multiple options for the product you're selling. Examples:

  • 5 editions of the game

  • 3 versions of the same template

  • 5 episodes to the same online course

Every Variant has its own "Offer" or "Price" - in terms of Digital Downloads or Games - each offer encompasses its own set of Files / Keys.

  1. Creating a new variants is easy, simply go to the product details and click "Create variant":

  1. Fill out necessary information about the variant:

  1. Now, create an Offer that's binded to that Variant:

  1. When the customer visits the product page, he/she will have the option to choose between Variants as seen below:

Last updated