How to buy a Mobile Game Asset?

You can buy a Mobile Game Asset from developer's Web Store just like buying a game key. Go to the developer's Web Store and search for the virtual asset or item you're interested in:

Navigate to the desired product and access its Product Page:

You can choose different Variants of the Product as long as the Developers have set them up, example:

  • 500 Gold or 1000 Gold

  • 500 Gems or 1000 Gems

Each Variant is unique and can be added to Cart. It's also important to give proper USER_ID or SERVER_ID if the developer has required such information:

Only correct USER_ID or other relevant data requested by the Developer will ensure you'll receive the item in-game. These are fields that must be filled.

Once you've added all desired items to the Cart, as seen in this example:

Next, as you finish your payment, you'll get a confirmation that the purchase data was sent to the game's server:

Congratulations! Now come back to your game and you should have received that item already!

Last updated