Add Digital Downloads

With our store builder, you can upload any digital file and start selling them through the shop or by sharing a simply "Buy Now" button or as we call it: Overlay checkout.

Here's a video on how to start selling your digital goods:

Let's go over the process of adding a digital download for your customers to buy:

  1. Choose "Products" in the left pane of the dashboard and then click "Digital Downloads"

Head to Digital Downloads to upload your first digital file to sell
  1. Click "Add Digital Download" in the upper right corner and a drawer from the right will slide in. You'll need to fill out all important information about your digital download. In the example below we've uploaded information about a Wordpress Template file:

Fill in product name, description, gallery, YouTube video of the product
  1. Choose "Create Offer" to add pricing to the file. Offers are like prices, where you can add as many offers as you want. Each offer or price has to be binded to a product. Remember, "Product" entities are not the same as "Offers" - offers are the prices for the products. Product can have many offers or prices.

Create offer or price to add some more details to the product you've added.
  1. Now add the digital file associated with the "Offer". Remember to add the price for the file as well. For now we're only handling 1x .ZIP file at a time (up to 5GB). You can additionally indicate region restrictions or tags for the offer:

If you've successfully added the file - a progress bar will show the upload status.
  1. Now that you've added your digital file - you can view the product page how it looks like by clicking "View" on top:

To preview the product - click on View on the details of the product
  1. Preview the product page:

This is how your customers will see the Digital Product available for buying

Last updated