Getting Started with the API

A quick guide to help you start using the API, from generating API keys to making your first requests.

Before starting the API requests, youโ€™ll need a account. If you havenโ€™t already, please

  1. Register an account

  2. Add some products

  3. Customize your online store

To begin using the API, you'll need API key and write-API key for authorization. These keys can be generated from the Developers section.

Generating the API Keys

To authenticate requests, you must include your API key and write-API key in the request headers. For all "read" actions (GET requests), you need at least the API key (public key). For all "write" actions (POST, PATCH, DELETE, and PUT), you need both the API key and write-API key (secret key).

Steps to Generate the API Keys

Step 1: To generate the API key, click on the 'API Keys' option at the sidebar and then select the 'Generate API Key' button.

Step 2: After clicking the 'Generate API Key' button, the Fungies system will instantly create an API key and write-API key. Click the 'Copy' button to save the keys to your clipboard.

Keep your API key and write-API key private and secure. Donโ€™t save them directly in your code or on GitHub. Instead, use environment files to store them. For added security, regularly update your API keys.

When making an API Request

You can access the Fungies API at Make sure all requests are made over HTTPS, as authentication is required for every request.

The API follows the JSON specification, so be sure to include the following headers in each request.

header 'Content-Type: application/json'


The API uses Bearer authentication for all requests. You will need an API key from the 'Generating the API Keys' section.

To authenticate, add an Authorization header to all requests containing a valid API key:

For "read" actions (GET):

header 'x-api-key:'

For "write" actions (POST, PATCH, PUT, and DELETE):

header 'x-write-api-key:'

Last updated