Customize your online store

Edit the look and feel of your online store. Add your logo, landing page sections, and fill up the footer.

How to do that? After logging into the Dashboard,. choose Website Builder and start customization!

Fungies' Website Builder allows you to easily manage and build the perfect Store.

  1. Choose Template:

  1. Add page sections:

  • Text Section

  • Image Section

  • Video Section

  • Gallery Section

  • Points Section

  • Slider Section

  • Recent Products Section

  1. Preview your store on different devices:

  1. Add New Pages

  2. Customize Your Basic Store settings

Variation and possibilities are endless, pick variations which work for your Store!

Remember to SAVE CHANGES before leaving Website Builder so your progress won't be lost!

  1. After you have successfully customized your Game's storefront, remember to Publish it!

Last updated