Payment Success

The Payment Success webhook on the platform is designed to notify external systems (such as your server or application) whenever a payment transaction has been successfully processed. This webhook is part of the platform's suite of automated notifications and helps ensure external systems stay in sync with regarding payment-related events.

Example of Request Payload Object (payment_success)

  "id": "f4cbd202-89c5-4538-b44b-11b2b7fa36ea",
  "type": "payment_success",
  "testMode": true,
  "data": {
    "items": [],
    "order": {
      "id": "47f68b70-898e-4dc8-99bd-9f30ce73c2f4",
      "totalItems": 0,
      "orderNumber": "2OJ3DJ0VP0CN"
    "customer": {
      "id": "6e53e763-842e-4b19-872a-f02dfc8dc109",
      "email": "test@Fungies"
  "idempotencyKey": "f4cbd202-89c5-4538-b44b-11b2b7fa36ea"

Last updated