Discount Codes

You now can add Discount Codes to the checkout process of the users.

In order to add Discount Codes, head over to the Dashboard and navigate to Discounts

Now add a new Discount Code by clicking Create Code:

And now you can define the Discount Code:

  • Set the name: it won't be visible to your users

  • Code: this is the actual code that can be used and pasted to the checkout by users

  • Type of discount: Percentage or Fixed

  • Amount: depending on the type, it can be % or fixed amount (in the main currency of your store)

  • Purchase limit: how many times the Discount Code can be used

  • Start Date / End Date: time which the code will start being valid and when it stops being valid

  • Expires: if this is switched on you can set up the End Date of the discount code

Last updated