Add Mobile Game Assets

You can sell your Mobile IAP (In-App Purchases) through the Web Store, and this could save you 30% commission from AppStores!

This graph will show you how Players will be able to buy from the Web Store and receive it ingame - and also various ways for you to promote the Web Store outside of AppStores:

Follow the steps below and let us help you with this process:

  1. First, add your Game -> click Add Project

  1. Then add Basic details of the Game: title, description, image, genre and tags.

  1. IMPORTANT! If you have to define which Player's data you'll need to pass into your Mobile Game's backend (read more about Webhooks here). It can be:

  • User_ID

  • Server_ID

You can add such necessary data to be requested in the "Add Custom Fields" section:

  1. Now click on the details of the game add navigate to "Add Asset"

What are Variants? Example:

  • You can add Virtual Currency like Gold

  • Variants are different options for that asset, such as: 5000 x Gold, 2500 x Gold, 125 x Gold and so on

  • Each Variant can have its own prices

Here's how Variants will look like on the Product Page:

How will players purchase Virtual Assets or Currencies?

Players will access your Web Store with any browser. Everything is mobile-responsive:

Last updated